That's awesome. And a little frightening.
That's exactly how Hate the 80s went! Actually kind of a LOT frightening. But super fun. Also, John Waters was there. But I don't think he stayed for our performance.
I dread somebody looking at how my house is "decorated" and determining anything about me that way. Mostly it says "Lazy about doing house things. Scared of Home Depot."
My home decorating scheme is: Shit Other People Gave Me.
We have the same decorator!!
My personal style is very eclectic. I like bright colors and easy wear. If it has to be dry cleaned? Forget it. Jeans/bright shirts or sweaters. Bohemian dresses/skirts. Comfortable shoes are a must. And, it's hard finding cute, comfortable shoes when you have Fred Flintstone feet.
I wear makeup daily and rarely go out without it. My features seem very plain to me otherwise. But it sounds like few of us do. Who else does?
I prefer to wear it. Sometimes, I slack and fail to do so.
Lisah, you are adorable in that picture!!!
You black lovers would be appalled at my wardrobe. I have 2 black pants, 1 black skirt and 1 black tee. That's it for black. But, I'm pale and have blonde hair and green eyes. When I wear black, I look like I'm about to vomit.
I pretty much always am wearing makeup of some sort when I leave the house, even if it is just a little powder to cover a zit and some eyeliner. It's off when I'm home, though and if I have to run a quick errand, I'll change out of the trashy clothes and might convince my hair not to stick up quite that way, but won't bother with the makeup.
I'd feel weird coming to work or whatever without it. But then I also feel like I've forgotten my underwear or something if I don't put on a pair of earrings.
If it has to be dry cleaned? Forget it
There was a lady on a What Not to Wear the other day who kept saying that and, I have to say, I just don't get it. I definitely get wanting your clothes to be easy to take care of but how is putting things in a Dryel bag (or really dropping them off at the cleaners) harder than doing loads of laundry?
I wear make-up every day. I started in my 40s, when I felt my natural glow needed a little protection and assistance. Tinted sunblock, powder to set it, some mascara, and 8-hour lipstick. Sometimes I throw on eyeshadow or blush. However, I don't add any make-up during the day, so by quitting time, there are only hints left.
I wear foundation, powder, blush, and mascara whenever I leave the house. I think I look so much better with a little lip color, but I rarely wear it. I hate having to reapply during the day.
I don't add any make-up during the day, so by quitting time, there are only hints left.
This is also true. Well, the eyeliner and mascara are still there...