If it has to be dry cleaned? Forget it
There was a lady on a What Not to Wear the other day who kept saying that and, I have to say, I just don't get it. I definitely get wanting your clothes to be easy to take care of but how is putting things in a Dryel bag (or really dropping them off at the cleaners) harder than doing loads of laundry?
I wear make-up every day. I started in my 40s, when I felt my natural glow needed a little protection and assistance. Tinted sunblock, powder to set it, some mascara, and 8-hour lipstick. Sometimes I throw on eyeshadow or blush. However, I don't add any make-up during the day, so by quitting time, there are only hints left.
I wear foundation, powder, blush, and mascara whenever I leave the house. I think I look so much better with a little lip color, but I rarely wear it. I hate having to reapply during the day.
I don't add any make-up during the day, so by quitting time, there are only hints left.
This is also true. Well, the eyeliner and mascara are still there...
harder than doing loads of laundry
Not harder, really. More expensive.
However, I don't add any make-up during the day, so by quitting time, there are only hints left
This is me.
I have a bunch of colored mascaras which add a wisp of color you can only really see close-up. I wear those most days and really like them.
Not harder, really. More expensive.
I guess I just end up cleaning the Dry Clean Only pieces so much less often that it's not that much of an issue. Which is what the What Not to Wear people told the anti-drycleaning lady (she was also anti-cashmere and anti-silk?! craxy).
Of course...making and keeping a budget = really not something I'm any good at.
My dry-clean-only clothes sit in a bag at the bottom of my closet for months until I get around to taking them to be cleaned. This results in their never, ever, ever being worn. So it doesn't make sense for me to buy any more.