Do guys care if women are wearing matching underwear? I always thought that was a girl thing, that guys were indifferent in general.
Huh. I always thought women wore matching underwear ONLY for men, and that on an average day where nobody would see them undressing, it was whatever undies were clean and at the top of the pile of laundry you never seem to put away.
I have these things all backward, it seems.
I've never known a guy worth keeping who cared. I found that the ones who said, "You should wear lipstick" or whatever were interested in dictating other parts of my life as well.
The real question is, are guy squirrels turned on by girl squirrels in human drag?
Basically, I dress and groom for me.
God, really? If I were dressing and grooming for only me, I wouldn't wear makeup ever, and all my clothes would be selected for comfort, not fashion.
DH thinks I'm at my most adorable when I think I look like crap -- hair at least 2 weeks past it's dye-date, no makeup, bags under my eyes, etc etc. I clean up only for myself.
I wouldn't wear makeup ever, and all my clothes would be selected for comfort, not fashion.
t waves
Although my idea of "comfort" involves long swirly skirts.
DH thinks I'm at my most adorable when I think I look like crap -- hair at least 2 weeks past it's dye-date, no makeup, bags under my eyes, etc etc.
I gotta get me one of those.
Huh. I always thought women wore matching underwear ONLY for men, and that on an average day where nobody would see them undressing, it was whatever undies were clean and at the top of the pile of laundry you never seem to put away.
Somedays I'm all about the first clean undies I can find. Other days I like my matching froofy stuff. I'm married, so it'll likely be seen eventually, but I think the fancy underwear are mostly for me. I have the lacy/satin/frilly underthings and 2 fancy robes that I wander around the house in on "spa days"
I think that's a wholly subjective thing
By definition.
that depends on both the woman and the guy in question
I'm wondering in terms of generalities.
Me, I dress just as much as *I* like, unless I need to have a specific effect (look professional, scary ... sexy is just one of those options, and not used as often as the other two suggestions).
However, I'm not unkempt. I do have a tendency to wear clothes that many might opine don't fit (both baggy and tight) from time to time. Mostly, though, I'm aiming to dress more for me, and less with a sensitivity to how complete strangers are going to react.
I do wonder if some of the guys who say "Legs? Hair? Makeup? Who cares?" have spent time looking at women with unshaved legs and pits.
*I* don't care. I figured guys did, though. Enough of them, and not just the "Why don't you look like CZJ?" kind. Just that one takes for granted that women look a bit more like the cleaned up version than we naturally do.