I'm not saying I actually use a table and make them that nice, but that is definitely the perfect version of the method I learned from my parents.
We got seated in the very last row, right in the middle, so it's doubtful that we'll show up in any crowd shots, but it was a lot of fun.
Yeah, I looked for you, but no.
Hundreds and hundreds and maybe even thousands of brand new books. It was kind of depressing.
Kinda? I think that would bring me to tears.
When does it air in your zone? It's not on until 3p here.
I'm with Jesse. I've been doing it that way for years. I learned it from my mother.
We get Ellen at 10 am. Then another channel runs it in the afternoon.
Those aren't the sort of things my mother taught me. I have no doubt that she and whatever help we had at any time folded the sheets perfectly, because I'm appalled at the way mine look in comparison ... so I'm glad to know there's a way.
It'd be
nice if this migraine would clear up in time for me to be cogent on my 11 o'clock call.
I learned how to fold sheets from my mother, but once I was introducted to the "stuff them all in a pillowcase" method, there was no going back.
I'll provide milk for msbelle's cookies for the today-killer.
Does anyone iron their sheets?