This is mostly the result of culling out books I bought when I was younger and had less taste.
Ah. I really need to do this, myself. As well as culling out duplicate copies and the stack of Crappy Books I Have Acquired Unintentionally.
I need to do this to make room for the ginormous stack of to-be-read books, as well as to make room for my comics. And manga, curse wee Micole!
I'm thinking I'll have a "Free Books!" post on livejournal sometime soon, see how many I can get rid of that way.
What happens with books is there are scenes I adore that I want to keep so I can re-read them--I dogear my books, they're my books, they're not rare, so pffth!--but I don't want to keep the whole book. Tearing out the section I like is the grossest vandalism to me, and sometimes I flip through and read other sections. So I keep books I don't intend to re-read for the sake of a few pages.
My sister in law thinks that
Ron and Kelly
are going to win it all on TAR. This is based on the promo. I'm
not happy.
Some of the most well-read students of Christian theology I've met have called themselves Satanists. I tell them they're just Christian heretics, and they pout and go away in a huff.
So not even the passenger door unlocks on a second keyfob press? If was getting driver door with one press and driver and passenger with two presses, then I might think the electric contacts on the sliding doors just need to be cleaned off.
I have no key fob. Although, now I'm wondering if A) I'm supposed to. and B) How can I find out if I'm supposed to and if I am, how to get them.
I have an easy way to get rid of books -- flatmate who is an active member of her (terminally impoverished) church! At least twice a year, I can clear out anything I'm discarding, hand it off to freshly-scrubbed Congregationalists, and watch them sell it all in a rummage sale. And feel, like, virtuous and stuff.
I don't know what they do with stuff that doesn't sell. I mean, maybe they throw it away, but I don't have to know that.
I have no key fob. Although, now I'm wondering if A) I'm supposed to. and B) How can I find out if I'm supposed to and if I am, how to get them.
Check with the dealership, you should have two. I have a 98 Windstar and I find it a very comfortable and useful vehicle. Alas, it ain't sexy, but it hauls alot of stuff and people when I need it to.
Okay, the books are gone.
The lack of money was a little painful, but not nearly as painful as handing over books to someone who clearly doesn't love them. I said, "Hey, can I have my box back?" and he said, "Sure," and DUMPED THE BOX OF BOOKS ON THE FLOOR. Without care.
I could hear their bookish little souls crying out, chasing after me as I fled to the car and the promise of a consolatory cheesesteak.
I'm gonna post this without comment: How to organize an orgy
I don't know if it was the same article, but my 8th grade English teacher kept a newspaper article pinned to the bulletin board all year with a similar title. He was a cool teacher. ;)