erkins brought honey liquor here a while back and I am running low (well, in several months probably). How do I find more??? It is the gold dust of alcohol
Ooh, really? I think I've seen it at the liquor store and wondered if it was good.
I do not fail the pencil test in the slightest....but I also am a AA. I'd rather be a little less perky and a little more boobtacular, but at least I've got something. (Of course, I normally end up wearing a bra for nipplage and chafing issues, if nothing else)
But Plei, mine will never do a corset proud the way yours and Vortex's (and other Bitches') do!
Girl, you just said you had a C cup. Hush your mouth.
Heck, I keep reading about y'all who are like "I got these overnight", and remembering in 7th and 8th grade (and 9th, and...) when I kept waiting for that to happen, and finally had to say "Wait, you mean this is all I get? WTF???"
However, I'm quite good at faking having breasts/cleavage. For what I've got.
And I'm currently pissed because it's been SIX AND A HALF WEEKS, AND NO CORSET. DAMN YOU, MESCHANTES!! (I emailed last week, and they were like "it'll ship next week!". I emailed again tonight)
We're getting him this
Steph, that's hysterical. I hope he enjoys it!!
$100!! For well-baby visits??? WTF??
Er...maybe if you're saying only the first visit is to make sure she's a well baby, and the others else. Otherwise? Ridiculous.
I miss my old insurance. It was SOOOO good. And my current insurance? Kinda sucks. And I haven't even had to deal with much!!
I had a COW loose in my neighborhood once
There were buffalo loose in Sarameg and Lisa's neighborhood(ish) the other week...