Like, is it a precursor to diabetes, or am I kidding myself that it's all about food and I need to go back to the therapist, or what.
Susan, speaking as someone who turns feral if her blood sugar takes even a slight dip below normal and has had extensive bloodwork done - you're probably not crazy or pre-diabetic.
Heh. The people who were in SF for Nillyfest got to witness me getting my low-blood-sugar bitch on at a restaurant hostess who wouldn't seat us at the *completely empty* tables. Tep + low blood sugar = smiting.
If I wait long enough, I become nauseated, but as far as I know, there isn't much emotional response.
I have nothing to say about blood sugar.
However, I am happy to share with you all that I am completely finished, forever and ever, with law school. Yay Me!!!! (of course, there is still the looming bar exam)
I'd love to celebrate with a drink and some sushi, but since I can't, maybe someone can have some for me.
No low carb diet. EVER. No way, no how. I love bread too much. And potatoes. And pasta. And Dr Pepper. Take away carbs, you take away all the pleasure of eating, AFAIC.
Susan, is WW still using the points system? Is it still largely based on how nutritionally dense foods are?
Part of the problem is that I haven't really been shopping right. For awhile there I kept buying nutritious snacks and not eating them, so I'd have apples gradually rotting in their basket atop the fridge, wheat bread growing mold, etc. So I stopped buying it because it was just a waste of money, and ended up with two things in the house--junk food, and ingredients for actual meals. I'm amazed I was able to find an apple and a cereal bar to tide me over until I got to the ballpark last night. I need to figure out what I'm really willing to eat, and shop accordingly.
Lobo. Lobo Marunga.
BWAHahahaha! Hee. Vvrroom.
I've found I'm at the mercy of my blood sugar as well, and that no sugars and no simple carbs keep me on a much more even keel. I'm sure I probably had hormone rages and fluctuations, but I don't remember them, nor does my family. All my PMS was physical. What's affected my moods far more has been the blood sugar fluctuation, and it's been a relief to find a strategy that works to prevent "going feral". That's a distinctly unpleasant feeling.
how do you combat the low blood sugar drops - eat more often.
I do best when I eat 5-7 times a day. all meals are small - there is very little snacking ( meaning junk food) because i eat as often as I do - i don't get starving so I have to plan to get all my veggies in - so they become part of my snack meals. It is harder with a family. but say at 4pm you had a slice of bread with peanut butte. - at dinner I'll skip the rice or potatos and eat the meat and the veggie. If I am hungry at 8, i eat.
I am guessing that you are one of the people built efficently , ita. DH is pretty good that way too. He gets hunrgy - but that's what it is. There are some people , it sounds like juilanna and suasn are two of them, that get drops - probbably fairly sudden. I had a roomate in college like that -- those are the people that eat something and get a quick obvious burst of energy from that - and also the people that crash ( this is obseved phenomon- not a medical fact) . then there are those of us with diabetes. We get the highs and lows of blood sugar. POhisically eating too much of the wrong thing makes me sleepy. I don't get a sugar rush. If I get low - I might not feel the symptoms of hunger, but i get cranky and bitchy. ( not a normal mood for me) anyway - that's where I can start to explain.