Listening to Radikills while catching up on my news pages at 6:30AM confuses my children. I don't intend to explain.
Monday night is SciFi for me. I've watched Medium and enjoyed it, but my schedule is such that I rarely am awake by the end of 10PM shows. Perhaps over the summer I won't have to get up so early.
I was working late last night and managed to see TDS at night rather than the next day.
Yay, Anne! for ariving in one piece. And thanks for sharing the move story. When does your stuff arrive?
There was other stuff I wanted to comment on, but it's gone out of my head. Silly head.
Tuesdays are good. Tuesdays I have therapy, and pretty much the rest of the day "off." Today, after therapy, I have an appointment with a professor at school, then I'm going to run a few errands. Then I must get to work on the paper that is due tomorrow (fortunately, it's only four to six pages) and a few other things that need to get laundry. I bet we've got four loads today.
I found out yesterday that my portfolio for creative writing isn't going to be due until finals week. This is good and bad. It gives me more time (good), but it's due the same day as my psych final and my Mountain Tales take-home final. So, the craziness will continue for another week past classes ending. Oh, well. Guess one can't have everything, right?
Oh, Deena, Nick's band is fucking awesome!!!!!
If he wins, I want to go see them!
Too many exclamation points for this early.
You get points for exclaimations.
There was other stuff I wanted to comment on, but it's gone out of my head. Silly head.
I have this.
Sounds like a very pleasant trip Anne. Yay! I so understand the massive cleaning involved in moving. I always cleaned my old place spotless then all too often the place I was moving into required massive cleaning. Yuck.
Speaking of cleaning, I need to call a commercial cleaning place to clean my house before I call a friend of a friend that was recommended to me as a housekeeper. I don't want to gross her out and frighten her off. I keep thinking I will get it in something resembling order myself, but it doesn't happen. (I think I'm supposed to start bitching about my diamond shoes now)
Nick's band sounds good. I've certainly heard way worse on stage. Contest~ma to them. Would playing the songs a couple of more times help?
I have a cleaning service every three weeks. The fact that I feel like I have to pick up all my crap so that I can get my money's worth out of cleaning is the only thing between me and becoming one of those newspaper stories about the houses that just have paths between tall piles of old newspapers and contain big balls of saved string.
Nick's band sounds great, and they're totally taking me back to my misspent yout'.
Coffee of the day at my local this morning was
Los Immortales.
And then I saw a neighbor carrying one of those Buffy-staking-a-vampire in stick figure bags (TWoP?) while I was walking home. Funny start to the morning.
I get you, Ginger. With me it's the dog walker - I have to straighten up at least twice a week so this person I've never met and only communicate with via notepad won't see how messy I can get.
I'm home waiting for the washer/dryer person to come by and hook up the w/d so I can do laundry.