grr, argh.
Had what I thought was a nice night out with the girls. Ate a lovely plate of steakfrites, had a few glasses of wine, a few glasses pf beer. The evening ended badly, with my best friend yelling at me on the streets of Cambridge because I'm married and am buying a house and she's not. I let her vent for a while, hoping she'd come to her senses. I finally, in a break in the action, asked, "are you aware, you're YELLING at me?" she said, "yes, I am." I turned on my heel and walked home.
It was pretty awful. I knew there was no reasoning with her, but I couldn't just stand there any longer and let her berate me.
I don't blame you, Nora. I'm sorry your evening came to a bad end.
Damn, Nora. Just damn. Need someone to smite her? I think we should smite her.
It was- I mean, I know she is lonely and it's hard for her to deal with both me and her other good friend getting married and thinking about housebuying, but she just went on the attack.
It was very icky.
I walked the entire mile and a half home on the steam of righteous anger. Go me!
ah, well, ran out of righteous anger steam, time for bed. Good night my lovelies!
Oh, and I went to an open house at Boston College! I'm really excited about going to school there.
whoa ... that's just... odd. I understand lonely and sad, but I'm really not sure how that is your fault.
Thanks for the allergy info
and happy birthday,D. Griswold
DH and his friend are playing guitar in the living room. They've both had some rough weeks and I think they NEED some pure guitar talk. Luckily, she like cats and wine - so there was more than guitars to talk about.
tacklehugs billytea
t goes down flailing
Hi Trudy! How's things?
tacklehugs billytea
Oof. Hi JZ!
Susan, heh. The best Word correction I've ever gotten was when it was trying to cope with a paper I'd written on film and the female gaze (the meaning of which I no longer remember), and after puzzling a bit over Sontag, it suggested that possibly I meant Sandhog.
Hee. I did come across a spellchecker once that wanted to change my name to "Wailing Haitians".
Spellcheck always wants to change my first name to Mount.
Happy belated birthday, D. Gris!
Your sister is very sweet. What a nice post.
These breast barnacles are 'xpensive!
Okay, Plei. That's one of the funniest expressions I've ever read--certainly one of the funnier ones about babies. Hee. I hope most of that is covered for you.
Points accusing finger at Topic!Cindy -- HEATHEN!!
Au contraire, Narrataire. It is I who honored the sacred timeslot. J'accuse.
(This would be so much better if I'd had even a semester of French, in high school.)
Carrot cake is veg, right?
No. It is sugar, fat, and some shredded veg that is cooked long enough that its starch is converted to sugar. I can't fake up carrot cake.
:: cries::
Now, now. Don't cry. It is not veg. It is cake. But that's okay, because in my world, cake is allowed. There are no evil foods, hence there is no reason to re-classify them.
Nora, I'm sorry your great night turned out sort of crappy. I feel badly for your friend too, but the kind of badly that makes me want to shake her into clue-dom.
Happy Belated Birthday, Gris!
Nora, that is just awful. I am so you need that right now.
I'm up WAY earlier than I hoped to be. Stupid period.