The times, they are a-changin'.
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- A judge has ruled against the LDS church in a lawsuit it brought against Salt Lake City after officials granted a downtown strip club a license
Judge Denise Lindberg's ruling Wednesday was a victory for the Dead Goat Saloon, which received its sexually oriented business license from the city before the city joined forces with the church in the lawsuit.
In her 29-page ruling, Lindberg noted how strange it was for lawyers representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the city attorney to sit at the same table during oral arguments since the church was suing the city.
Dead Goat Saloon? Man, they were just
to start something.
*I* wouldda named it the "Hey Missionary Boys - Titties!" Saloon.
But then you lose the whole satan-worshippyness of the dead goat. Gotta be a way to shoehorn that in there.
Free lap dance for each dead goat brought in.
Are you offering?
You have access to dead goats?
You have access to dead goats?
And if so, why aren't you currying them and giving them to ita?
You have access to dead goats?
Does any dead goat qualify? Or does it need to be sacrificed properly?
See, I think deading the goat on premises would be better. Then you can use the meat, knowing it's fresh, and I think: Animal Sacrifces! Live! works better than: Rotting Dead Animals! On the premises!