While we're on the subject, when did the term "John Thomas" come into vogue as a euphemism for a penis?
Talk about not wasting a Monty Python straight line!
Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis.
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong.
It's swell to have a stiffy,
It's divine to own a dick.
From the tiniest little tadger,
To the world's biggest prick.
So three cheers for your willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake.
Your piece-of-pork,
Your wife's best friend,
Your Percy or your cock.
You can wrap it up in ribbons,
You can slip it in your sock.
But don't take it out in public
Or they will stick you in the dock,
And you won't come back.
Or was he using a folk term already in use there?
That's my guess. John and Thomas being very common names in England, plus men have a very predictable self-identification with their uh..."man-root."
t /badfic nomenclature
Oh, god, no. Brain bleach!
Or "woman maker."
I recently read a romance novel that called it "his candied length." I was all, "Is that caramel sauce? Or a chocolate shell of some kind?" (And no, they weren't actually playing with foodstuffs or anything.)
Crap. My father just called me to let me know that he's been working on my taxes, and it looks like, if I actually report all my income, I owe $1400. (If I only report the income that I've got a W2 for, I get $180 refund.) I'm trying to look up more info on my university website about how to report this stuff, because that really doesn't look right. (If I don't get this figured out tonight, I'm going to file for an extension and talk to an accountant.)
his candied length.
WTF? I wouldn't want something called *that* anywhere near me. Ewwww.
One of my critique partners is trying to talk me out of using "cock" in my wip. She thinks it's too coarse for the tone of the story. I'm pretty sure it's what a guy like my hero would call it, so I'm sticking to my guns so far.
so I'm sticking to my guns so far.
Stick to your guns in regards to his gun. I prefer "cock", too. Lots of hard consonants.