I'm actually confused about the Lillith thing, because when I was growing up I'd never heard of her.
There was God, then Adam, then Eve, then Cain killed Able and was sent away and married other people. Which always led me to -- what other people?? Because the Southern Baptists taught me that God made and Adam and Eve and everyone comes from them but Cain finds people to get it on with? Also if everyone comes from Adam and Eve, doesn't that mean there was a lot of icky incest stuff going on?
These were my questions that never got answered. They seemed to make my Sunday School teachers uncomfortable.
I also knew a lady from a different online community who started a religous bulletien board, but banned certain names from being used that were "of God", Lillith was one of those names.
There was God, then Adam, then Eve, then Cain killed Able and was sent away and married other people. Which always led me to -- what other people?? Because the Southern Baptists taught me that God made and Adam and Eve and everyone comes from them but Cain finds people to get it on with?
People lived extra-long back then, so people could populate the earth faster. So Cain could have been in his hundreds and there'd be lots of people by then. That's what I was told, anyway.
Hey Universe, what's the best month of the year?
I am so not obligated to answer that.
Totally. March. Sockpuppet.
So Cain could have been in his hundreds and there'd be lots of people by then.
Born of whom, is the question ...
Lilith isn't in the bible. She's sort of implied in the first "Male and female he created them" or something like that, and she's big in Jewish folklore, in which she left the Garden of Eden of her own volition and became a child-stealing infant-killing demon, more or less.
But there's still the icky incest that no one I asked wanted to account for.
Well, Cain would have had to marry one of his sisters, there are lots of unmentioned daughters of Adam and Eve. 23 or something.
Born of whom, is the question ...
Adam and Eve, or of their children. Maybe their grandchildren.
There's no getting around the incest thing.
I had who Cain married explained to me, but I don't remember. I think it had something to do with, um, giants. But I might be mixing my mythologies.
But there's still the icky incest that no one I asked wanted to account for.
There was incest, but Adam and Eve were perfect humans so there wasn't any worry about birth defects and such from inbreeding.