Best of luck, Sean.
My mom wants me to call her every fucking day (increased from every two or three days), and because I don't (as if I was even fulfilling her less stringent requirement), I have no love or care for my parents. Whatever. I'm so tired of this shit. I'm 23. I'm busy. I call when I feel like talking.
I hate vertical blinds.
P-C, will your mother do email? My step-father is big on email. That's a big help for communication at your convenience. Both Mom and I hate phones so not calling was never an issue.
She claims e-mail will suffice, yeah. Though I anticipate a simple "Hi, I'm doing fine" e-mail every day will just lead to wanting more, more, more, when are you coming home to visit, you should come home every weekend, now that you've graduated you should come live at home, and so on. Of course, I'm already getting that, so. Well, not the every weekend bit, specifically.
Boo. I just got two last minute cancellations to my going away party tonight.
It so hard for me to imagine that. I see friends do this and I don't understand. My parents, and Brendon's parents, didn't exactly kick us to the curb when we turned 18, but they certainly didn't hold on either. MIL is more needy when it comes to phone calls and such, but she lives alone.
Perhaps when you find you have extra time sketch out a dozen or so brief newsy emails and send them out on days you really don't want to call.
Hi Perkins! I'd totally love to attend your going away party, but tonight would be tough because of the couple thousand mile thing.
I'm with you, Laura. When I left the nest, a call every two weeks was gravy. Once a week was almost too much. It's the same with my daughter. If I don't hear from her in a week or so, then I call. But 2-3 weeks between calls (when she's not living with me) is about average. I really don't
to know that much about her life. Then, I have to admit she's having teh sex and things like that.
My mom used to call me about once a week to catch up when I was in college. And to make sure I wasn't dead or needed money. Daily is excessive if you're kid's out of the 8th grade.
Stephanie, if he's that nervous, can you offer to hire a doula? A professional non-doctor type support person might do him a world of good.
Ooh, this is also a very good idea.
I'd just send her an email everyday. say you are doing fine. if you have more than that to say - then call. Honestly, you are 23- so my idea is to take the high road - it costs nothing to send a quick email. if she emails back- skim. you know your mom and family well enough to know what is important to pay attention to. Don't waste energy on trying to change mom, it isn't going to happen. But only a serene face from you will ever convince her you are happy as things are.