Those guys were always so intriguing to me. Just how bad ass were they that they were selected for the Emperor's personal guard? What deadly secrets were hidden under those red robes? Why the funky long helmet that would seem to preclude head-turning?
For all we know, there could be cheetahs in those costumes.
For all we know, there could be cheetahs in those costumes.
Cheetahs who can't turn their heads.
For all we know, there could be cheetahs in those costumes.
You know, there is just a TV series just waiting for Joss, "Nutty The Cheetah Slayer".
You know, there is just a TV series just waiting for Joss, "Nutty The Cheetah Slayer".
I'm thinking a sitcom about a family of cheetahs. Being raised by a single mom cheetah. Who works as an Imperial Guard for the Emporer.
In the pilot: the cheetah kittens get into mom's Sharpies....
IIRC, cheetahs find prey by sight, not smell, so if you did remove their ability to look around, Nutty might just get the advantage.
Cats in general have a wider field of view than dogs or humans.
So you had to share?
I'm a very giving person.
Pretty sure they'd trip on the robes.
Nother wave of vile. Time to go lie down.
Besides, how often do the Imperial guards need to look around? Granted, they'd have a hard time seeing if some assasin was coming out of the elevator (since they're standing at either side of the elevator door, at the Emporer), but presumably there would be security at the elevator entrance on the other floors.