mostly I'm worried about all my music (which I lost on the last re-imaging).
You can send yourself the music files (or like Dana said, use -- you could make a zipped file and send it that way) if you can't burn them to a CD.
I don't really want to use my personal gmail space for work documents (and being in HR, there are confidentiality issues). There are a couple network drives dedicated to my ID so I can dump stuff over on the F: drive and hope that works.
Oh, I didn't mean use your gmail account for work documents; sorry. Company documents are for the company server. I just meant use gmail for any personal files you want to make sure you don't lose.
I think I'm searching in the wrong place, because I'm not finding any direct responses to her column.
t edit
Got it. I didn't realize I had to search the "Letters to Romenesko."
Oh, sorry -- search for the text Krystal on the page.
Way more sympathy than I thought possible.
People can be so induglent.
People should stop.
Yup. "She's young" is not an excuse for whining when she doesn't get something she wants. She thought Spin owed her an internship.
Somehow, I think they would if *you* asked, ita.
I agree with those who wondered why her current editors even published it. Maybe they hate her and don't want her working in journalism anymore.
That'll do it. I hate her, I think, except for the part where I feel better about me because I'm not.
Well, I'm sure it's gotten them a gazillion more hits than they could have any other way.
Noticed at (which no longer lets people comment):
Mothers-to-be Britney, Jordan and Demi will be queuing up for this year’s most in-demand celebrity plastic surgery package.
First off, the celebrity mother gets her silicone breast implants removed early in her pregnancy to prevent stretching, then when the baby is born (usually whipped out by caesarean at eight months to prevent the mother having to get too fat) new implants are put back, liposuction is done on the arse and thighs plus a full tummy tuck to get rid of all signs of pregnancy. The new mother keeps hidden from the public for about ten days while everything heals - which, of course, is not suspicious, as she’s just given birth.
Many private hospitals around the world now offer this as part of the birth package. Nursing staff at London’s celebrity-friendly Portland Hospital have an unofficial name for the package which honours, they claim, one of its earliest adopters.
They call it the… “Mend It Like Beckham”.
(originally from popbitch, apparently)