We'll have to establish the value of an individual smooch. I see some math coming on...
No worries on the bid. A) No one will even ask about the stoopid box before the end of the sale and B) Dammit, he said free. I'm holding him to it...in a very nice, quite refined way, of course.
Plus? I think there may be more than 20 tapes, on reinspection.
And, if I have to speak to the guy, I can ask where the tapes came from.
We'll have to establish the value of an individual smooch. I see some math coming on...
Who can put a dollar value on a smootch?
Don't answer that. You will make beej seem mercantile with her affections. As for me, my smooches are $50 per bunch.
You win. I am no match for your linguistic gymnatics.
I'm only conceding cuz I'm very nap-needing. Otherwise? I am like ZORRO with my clever words.
Okay, maybe not. And hey? A nap sounds like a great idea.
I'll be in touch if Mssr. Mystery Felicity Connection rings.
Sure. Nap. I'll just be over here cursing my obsessive need to respond to posts, and drafting sixteen versions of the ebay post.
It's all good. Sleep well.
Why are things more exciting on broadcast television?
Fox is airing the Star Wars Trilogy (complete with goofy retcon edits), I missed all but the end of Star Wars, and the tapes of the original films are sitting five FEET from the vcr and yet...
I'm such a dork.
But Artoo says "
the chances of survival are 725... to one.
I'm enjoying the suffering...and now I'm really off for a good nap...thanks for the giggling sendoff.
Then I'm a dork, too. Empire Strikes Back is on right now. Tapes are less than 5 feet away.