Why are things more exciting on broadcast television?
Fox is airing the Star Wars Trilogy (complete with goofy retcon edits), I missed all but the end of Star Wars, and the tapes of the original films are sitting five FEET from the vcr and yet...
I'm such a dork.
But Artoo says "
the chances of survival are 725... to one.
I'm enjoying the suffering...and now I'm really off for a good nap...thanks for the giggling sendoff.
Then I'm a dork, too. Empire Strikes Back is on right now. Tapes are less than 5 feet away.
I thought
they smelled bad on the outside...
I'm quite pissed at Lucas. It would be like if Joss started making jigglecoms.
Vampire Slayer Hawaii!
that Chewbaca is covered in fur, but
not even a wind breaker to go out onto the ice moon for a patrol? Maybe a scarf?
Trudy, I think it's that it happened by chance. I own all seven seasons of Buffy, on DVD, but let me catch a beloved episode on FX, by accident, and you'd think I won a contest or something.
I am in a bad mood about how every show on TV is shoving either LA, NYC, Miami or Seattle down my throat.
NYC and LA are completely different things than most of America. They disagree with each other, but they disagree about the same things. Things no one in Kansas gives a hoot about.
Vancouver is always Seattle. It isn't even in America.
Miami? Miami agrees with a lot of stuff that LA agrees with. Gawd help them both.
I think you're right, Cindy. At least I
you're right.
I'm a gibbering idiot because the trilogy is on. Oy.