Oh god. She's one of the "I'm so smart everyone should love me and if they don't they are stupid and it is all their fault and I'm blameless." Scary.
Allyson, no need for a lecture. It happens. Just be glad you're not on a pretty full bus in a third world country and your backpack is in the luggage compartment. Not that that every happened.
Nor for anything else bigger than the North Adams Transcript, I'm guessing.
Exactly. Bad-mouthing someone in the industry publicly? Not a good idea all around.
Oh, pretty please?? I'll give you a tampon.
Ohmigod, this made me laugh.
I think our friend Krystal was raised with the notion that "everyone gets a trophy" even if they suck.
She's also a crappy writer.
Yes, write to her I shall. She needs to throw herself on the bed and cry one more time, just for me.
I got the cite from Romenesko. Heh, heh. She is NEVER going to get another job in the industry, I'm guessing.
Allyson, I hope you post your letter to her here or in LJ for us to enjoy as well. Also, I have a question to email you-- which is the best address to use?
Allyson, just thank god you're not sitting in the bedroom of a man you fancy who's just told he you wants you, and you're secure in your knowledge you need to get on a bus and travel 30 minutes to home before you get to a tampon, because ALL the stores nearby are closed.
However, OUCH, and I need to go hide extra tampons everywhere.
Aimee's funny.
I love that scene.
Krystal NEEDS to get flamed by Allyson.
I've never had much urge to own a house.
And yet, you already own one.
I'm wondering about what font she used now. Something unicornesque, I expect.
Comic sans.
She needs to throw herself on the bed and cry one more time, just for me.
This made me laugh outloud.
I hope she posts something about it, and about how she cried.
And yet, you already own one.
Well, me, my sister, the state of Maine, and the US government.