I couldn't even have onanism in a plane bathroom...probably couldn't use it. Period.
OK, that sucks even for non-sexual reasons... but you could TOTALLY work the whole boyfriend as "attendant" angle and he has to pull you onto his lap to "help" you with "something"
right there in the seats
and if anyone says anything he gives a very serious look and says, "Would you please stop staring? She's having a seizure."
The only truly gross thing about them is those fecking women who SQUAT and SPRINLKE and then LEAVE IT THERE.
Once again I must advocate for squat toilets. Seriously--given the choice between sitting on a public toilet seat and squatting over a hole in the floor, I'd take the latter any day.
I tried squat toilets in India. I don't have the necessary balance or flexibility.
People think I do that in changing rooms.
I was, honestly, with a woman friend trying on a skirt.
Cracked my ass up, though.
I tried squat toilets in India. I don't have the necessary balance or flexibility.
I tried them in Osaka, and oh dear. What Jessica said, but with very full skirts and petticoats added.
The only truly gross thing about them is those fecking women who SQUAT and SPRINLKE and then LEAVE IT THERE.
This may be true of ladies' rooms, but I've been in many men's rooms where it seems a previous user must have been a monkey enamored by the aerodynamic properties of his own by-products. I have to be in danger of a Mr. Creosote-style death before I'll sit in one.
People think I do that in changing rooms. I was, honestly, with a woman friend trying on a skirt. Cracked my ass up, though.
Oh God! Oh YES! This.... uh,skirt... is AMAZING!!!!!
This may be true of ladies' rooms, but I've been in many men's rooms where it seems a previous user must have been a monkey enamored by the aerodynamic properties of his own by-products.
Studies have shown that women's bathrooms are, on average, MUCH dirtier than men's.
I tried squat toilets in India.
Is it wrong that I first read this as Indiana and DIDN'T do a double-take.
I don't have the necessary balance or flexibility.
This may rule out mile-high sex as well.
I tried squat toilets in India. I don't have the necessary balance or flexibility.
Really? I found them very easy to use, and I'm hardly the most graceful or flexible person. How did you manage, then, if you couldn't use squat toilets?