That's totally cheating, isn't it?
Not to the extent that it doesn't count....
you get to keep your sheets as a souvenir of this special event.
This disturbs me. I'm not sure why.
Okay, let me get this straight.... It grosses you out to keep the sheets?
You'd rather they kept the sheets and reused them?
That's WAY grosser.
I'd rather know I wasn't on used sheets, but maybe that's just me. Also, TOTALLY CHEATING.
You'd rather they kept the sheets and reused them?
Have you ever had sex in a hotel? You think those were new sheets?
Thanks, Jessica. I was just thinking that.
Thanks, guys. I'm coping by...having leftover Easter candy for lunch. No one can say I don't have well developed coping strategies.
you people are surprised that something Gross is going on around a publicized "Mile-High" something or another?
I'd guess souviner keeping has a market in the population of people who search out ways to join a mile-high club.
You want to join that badly? Have sex in Denver.
(general you, not specific you)
I cannot wait until all the Easter candy is finally gone from the stores, because I just can't resist. I had a caramel/marshmallow egg earlier, made with real goat's milk.
Have you ever had sex in a hotel? You think those were new sheets?
One tries not to think about that.
Have you ever had sex in a hotel? You think those were new sheets?
I think the question is more pointedly -- have you ever
had sex in a hotel? Well, someone else did, on those very sheets. Also, that wall, in that tub, and on the sofa. Don't ask how the jizz got on the door.
I think it counts as sex, but surely shouldn't count as mile high club sex. Plus, the flight needs to be longer, if you're going to be all comfortable and stuff.