Man, they are just fucking up Sesame Street. Don't even get me started on Elmo.
So next Bert and Ernie will be getting new beardsgirlfriends?
I think there are some kids young enough to think All Cookies All the Time would be a good nutritional plan if they want to grow up blue and fuzzy. But presumably such children are still being fed exclusively by parents who should know better.
I just had a nice salad for lunch, but now I'm eating cookies uncontrollably. I blame the monster.
Why do they have such a problem with this? Didn't they also make Oscar the Grouch nicer? And Sunffalupagus the invisible friend visible?
I can't help but think that none of this stuff wouldhave happened if Jim was still alive.
I would never eat cookies for breakfast!
Oooh! There's Thin Mints in the freezer. I think I shall have them for breakfast.
I just used up all of the packing tape I have in the house. I suspect this means I need to get dressed and go to Target, but I am pretty sure I don't want to.
I would never eat cookies for breakfast!
I just had leftover birthday cake for breakfast.
Hey! Ya big cheater. My next line was something or other about anytime being cookie time.
Hey, the Canadian's don't respect us Americans anymore.
I don't respect us Americans anymore.
t would close helpless rage tag, except that tag is permanent
Sure, they'd fall faster than a one-legged drunk on a tightrope if we invaded, but what good would that do? They're all fuckin' socialists! Annex Canada, and America votes Democrat for the next hundred years. Looks like they've got us over the barrell on this one...
Perhaps someone should mention Canadian oil fields to Bush?
Hey, an old Dodge Charger painted exactly like the General Lee just drove past my window.