Sure, they'd fall faster than a one-legged drunk on a tightrope if we invaded, but what good would that do? They're all fuckin' socialists! Annex Canada, and America votes Democrat for the next hundred years. Looks like they've got us over the barrell on this one...
Perhaps someone should mention Canadian oil fields to Bush?
Hey, an old Dodge Charger painted exactly like the General Lee just drove past my window.
I can't help but think that none of this stuff wouldhave happened if Jim was still alive.
Yeah, I've heard a whirring sound all day long. Now I know what it is.
Isn't Cookie Monster an aspect of childhood? A developmental stage or something? Where they're little id creatures and they want what they want and they want it now?
Hey, an old Dodge Charger painted exactly like the General Lee just drove past my window.
I wanna see a demolition derby between the General Lee and the Starsky and Hutch-mobile. But hey, the Boss Hog-mobile would kick both their asses in a demo derby, as huge front-wheel drive cars have a big advantage.
I wold like to point out that is not the official website of Canada, but the official website of a big Canadian media conglomeration.
(And not a lefty one, either.)
So government != megacorporation up your way? What's wrong with you Canadians, anyway?
I wold like to point out that is not the official website of Canada
The article said that some Canadian would point that out.
Well, it's been bought by the Aspers, who are big Liberals, I think.