Heehee--Entertainment Weekly has a Top 20 countdown of the best Monty Python sketches:
20. ARGUMENT CLINIC: A troupe hallmark and a paraphrasing of what Python fans are thinking now. ''That's not one of the top 20.'' ''Yes, it is.'' ''No, it isn't.'' ''Is.'' ''Isn't!''
19. KILIMANJARO EXPEDITION: Who did an explorer who sees double hire to find a crew he sent to build a bridge between Kilimanjaro's two peaks? ''The Arthur Brown twins, two botanists called Machin...and a couple of the Ken Spinoza quads. The other two pulled out.''
18. THE RESTAURANT SKETCH: A polite complaint about a dirty fork riles a cleaver-swinging cook and suicidal manager. Highlight: John Cleese's gasping moan, ''Oh, it makes me mad.''
17. MRS. PREMISE AND MRS. CONCLUSION VISIT SARTRE: Who better to debate Jean-Paul Sartre's philosophy and burial methods for live cats than two shrieking housewives? The best of the sketches with the Pythons' drag alter egos, the Pepperpots.
16. THE VISITORS: The rudest drop-ins ever, including Arthur Name (''What's brown and sounds like a bell? Dung''), Mr. Equator (''[The seat's a] bit lumpy...ah, no wonder, I was sitting on the cat''), and his incontinent, beans-gobbling wife.
15. EVERY SPERM IS SACRED (MONTY PYTHON'S THE MEANING OF LIFE): Terry Jones' directorial high, this rousing musical number about the perils of masturbation from the 1983 film is Python irreverence at its most elaborate.
14. INTERESTING PEOPLE: A goofy TV panel features a hypnotist who puts bricks to sleep and a man whose cat flies across the room into a pail of water. (''By herself?'' ''No, I fling her.'')
13. SPAM: Thanks to this operatic, Viking-sung ditty, the jellied canned luncheon meat will always be synonymous with classic comedy.
12. SELF-DEFENCE: What's a fruit-obsessed instructor's advice for dealing with an assailant attacking with a banana? (1) Shoot him. (2) Eat the banana, thus disarming him.
11. CRUNCHY FROG: Crunchy Frog, Cockroach Cluster, Ram's Bladder Cup with lark's vomit: This candy selection yields oddly tasty humor.
10. STONING (MONTY PYTHON'S LIFE OF BRIAN): You may be humming ''(Always Look on the) Bright Side of Life'' after the 1979 film, but the beard-wearing, rock-hurling women make the movie sing.
9. ERIC THE HALF A BEE (MONTY PYTHON'S PREVIOUS RECORD): A rousing ode to a bifurcated bug from 1972: ''I love this hive employee/Bisected accidentally/One summer afternoon by me/I love him carnally.''
8. NUDGE NUDGE: ''Nudge nudge, know what I mean? Say no more!'' Eric Idle's winking insinuator is the ultimate perv, even if the sketch ends, ''You've slept with a lady.... What's it like?''
7. THE LUMBERJACK SONG: A barber longs to be a macho woodsman, because ''I cut down trees, I skip and jump/I like to press wildflowers/I put on women's clothing/And hang around in bars.'' During some live shows, fans Tom Hanks and George Harrison both slipped into lumber gear to sing backup.
6. FISH-SLAPPING DANCE: John Cleese and Michael Palin prance about, slapping each other with fish, naturally. Fifteen seconds of sublime silliness.
5. THE FUNNIEST JOKE IN THE WORLD: A British joke so funny its audiences die laughing becomes a critical weapon against the Nazis during WWII. Not so the Germans' failed retaliation: ''Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der strasse, and von vas...assaulted! Peanut.''
4. DEAD PARROT: ''If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it would be pushing up the daisies.... This is an ex-parrot.'' The legacy of John Cleese's complaint to Michael Palin for selling a stuffed pet is marred only a bit by a listless reprise on a 1997 Saturday Night Live.
3. GUY DE LOIMBARD'S CASTLE (MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL): ''Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries'' from the 1975 film remains the gold standard of verbal abuse.
2. THE MINISTRY OF SILLY WALKS: Cleese's giant steps are equally hilarious on the TV show and in the '82 concert film (continued...)