In related news ...
A severely paralysed man has become the first person to be fitted with a brain implant that allows him to control everyday objects by thought alone.
By using software linked to devices around the room, Mr Nagle has since been able to think his TV on and off, change channel and alter the volume. "Eventually, we want him to be able to use it to control the lights, his phone and other devices," said Prof Donoghue.
Holy Hannah. One wonders if Steven Hawking is watching this research.
Spouses, I believe, are legally considered next of kin.
Yes, but he'd given up custodianship of her (and the right to make the decision on her life support) to the court. Which is why begging him to save her life and demonising
was cheap.
I'm thinking I wouldn't stop with televisions.
Wrod, ita.
A severely paralysed man has become the first person to be fitted with a brain implant that allows him to control everyday objects by thought alone.
Cool! My mom was involved in some of the initial testing of this technique on rats.
Hey, I want to be able to control the tv with my brain.
I want to be able to control the tv with my brain.
Yeah. Sounds so much cooler than when it goes the other way.
Yeah! Season 2 of Firefly, baby!
I'm also not sure why the judge ruled that attempting to feed her by mouth was a no-go.
I'm not sure he did. I think what happened is that the Schindlers requested he order that she could be fed by mouth. He refused to give that order. In absence of that order, Mr. Schiavo was able to refuse food and water by mouth for her. I don't know why or how, except for the risk of aspiration, but even then, since removing her hydration and nutrition was going to kill her, I don't understand that, either.
I felt badly her priest wasn't allowed to give her communion on Easter.
I felt badly her priest wasn't allowed to give her communion on Easter.
Didn't he? I had heard that she did take communion. (Wine on the tongue, at any rate.)