Branagh's Yank accent in Dead Again (one of my alltime faves) had that strange flatness that just screams "Shakesperian Brit Acting American!" to me.
I was SO in Love with Lewis in BoB. Great character and great acting.
"Captain Sobel! We salute the rank, not the man." I love that the man that Sobel tried to court martial ended up his superior.
Branagh's Yank accent in Dead Again (one of my alltime faves) had that strange flatness that just screams "Shakesperian Brit Acting American!" to me.
Me too, though I still adore the film.
wonders idly if there's Winters/Nix slashfic out there.
I'm pretty sure I've seen Band of Brothers fic somewhere. Maybe on a ficathon or a Secret Santa exchange. Or a rare pairings rec list.
It's something new for me to hunt for.
I haven't finished watching the DVDS of BoB, but I saw it when it was on The history Channel. I could have sworn that there were voice overs when it was shown on the History Channel but there weren't on the dvd.
Did I just have audio hallucinations?
Branagh's Yank accent in Dead Again (one of my alltime faves) had that strange flatness that just screams "Shakesperian Brit Acting American!" to me.
Hmm, it always sounded like Mandy Patinkin to me. Anyway, miles better than his Woody Allen impression in CELEBRITY.
You mean narration? I think the only one that had any was "Crossroads" (the one where Winters goes to Paris on leave), and it was in the form of Winters' report on the attack on the German battalion.
ETA: I've only seen BoB on History Channel (with they replaced all the "fucks" but left the "shits" in).
Well, there was the Winters voice-over near the end of the last episode, where he talks about what happened to the various survivors in the Easy Company over the backdrop of the men playing baseball in slo-mo. I remember it well because the scene made me weep like a little girl.
I love the comment about one of the men becoming "just" a handyman in his small town back home, but when he died, he had over 1600 people at his funeral. Now there's a tribute!
That scene by the lake in the opening scene of the last episode was slashier than some of the season 1 Smallville, which is my slash-barometer. Can't quite wrap my mind around RL war-vet slash though.
I was SO in Love with Lewis in BoB. Great character and great acting
though I still adore the film
I hated everything about that Dracula movie, so I don't particularly remember Keanu's accent.
Clarke Peters(Lester Freamon) is also a Wire UKer. That one still makes me go "No way!" because he nails an American accent so perfectly.
And he just plays the hell out of that part in every possible way...hard to believe he's not *Lester*, let alone not from Balmer.
In BoB I could have sworn there was narration during the winter seige thing. I'm not sure what to call it, but I could have sworn there was narration there and another place where it was Walberg doing the narration.
I had no clue that Lester was not American.
Also --erika because you've been talking about Peleconos (which I think I mispelled) I picked up one of his books at the library.