Dawn K
Awww I'd sorta like to take credit for it but nope not me but mmmmm...Colin Firth
Wood as Iggy Pop!!!??
My thought every time I see it. It just doesn't jibe with the picture in my head of Iggy no matter how skinny I make Elijah (I think that in my head Elijah's head is too big, or round or something)
Oh no! Very sad news.
On the very day Nick Park and everyone at Aardman should be celebrating Curse of the Were Rabbit's #1 opening, they are instead devestated by a warehouse fire in Bristol destroying all the set and props from all their movies. "The company's entire history."
Eeek! It's not just clay, it's all the miniatures made of paper and cloth and wood and teeny paintings and tiny metal doorknobs to scale and all that. An entire world in miniature.
Races home to encase VHS copies of "A Grand Day Out" and "A Close Shave" in flame retardant material...
Oh, that IS sad. So much hard, tedious, dedicated work...up in smoke. Thank goodness so much of Nick Park's art is immortalized on film. Bless them.
In local movie news. I ran into Matt Damon twice today as he is in the 'hood making The Good Shepherd, directed by DeNiro and co-starring Angelina.
On our morning constitutional, Bartleby was a huge hit with the extras, all decked out in period (40s?) dress and bored out of their trees. During the afternoon journey, Bartleby was given a tour of the very posh make-up trailer. The make-up lead, who looked sort of familiar (thanks to dvd extras, I'm sure) joked about helping him cover up his spots.
Saw Matt again, in street clothes, signing autographs and looking completely knackered. Had to come home and check imdb regarding his height...cuz really? He didn't look much taller than me (5'0") Imdb says 5'10". Huh.
This is too funny:
The Lord of the Rings, as told through Princess Bride quotes.
It starts with "Prologue: PETER JACKSON: Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up." and just gets funnier from there!
That's frelling brilliant.
URUK-HAI: You think your dearest love will save you?
PIPPIN: I never said he was my dearest love, and yes, he will save me. That I know.
I am the sappiest of saps in the history of sapdom:
PETER JACKSON: "The End." Now I think you oughta go to sleep.
PETER JACKSON: All right. Okay, okay, okay. All right. So long.
AUDIENCE: Maybe we could come over and watch it again tomorrow?
PETER JACKSON: As you wish.
Two great tastes, tasting great together.
Also ...
EOWYN: I admit it, you are better than I am.
WITCH KING: Then why are you smiling?
EOWYN: Because I know something you don’t know.
WITCH KING: And what is that?
EOWYN: I am not a man!
Oh, my favorite bit by far is this:
DENETHOR: I am the Dread Steward Denethor. There will be no survivors!
GUARD 1: Now?
GUARD 2: Not yet.
DENETHOR: My men are here. I am here. But soon you will not be here!
GUARD 1: Now?!
GUARD 2: Light him!