Two great tastes, tasting great together.
Also ...
EOWYN: I admit it, you are better than I am.
WITCH KING: Then why are you smiling?
EOWYN: Because I know something you don’t know.
WITCH KING: And what is that?
EOWYN: I am not a man!
Oh, my favorite bit by far is this:
DENETHOR: I am the Dread Steward Denethor. There will be no survivors!
GUARD 1: Now?
GUARD 2: Not yet.
DENETHOR: My men are here. I am here. But soon you will not be here!
GUARD 1: Now?!
GUARD 2: Light him!
Well, that's some nice good news. I'm also VERY glad to hear that Nick was carrying Wallace and Gromit themselves with him at the time.
I think it also says a little something that this is being compared to Cecil B. DeMille losing all his stuff.
I saw an interview with Nick Park yesterday where he said that he really wasn't all that bothered, and couldn't understand why everyone was making such a fuss, because when measured against what had just happened in Pakistan it was really nothing at all. A lovely and sensible chap, it seems.
That parody totally made my day.
Mount Doom, After It Erupts:
[Screen goes black]
PETER JACKSON: Frodo and Sam don’t get burned up by the lava.
PETER JACKSON: Frodo and Sam don’t get burned up by the lava. I’m explaining to you because you looked nervous.
[Movie continues]
They've announced the new James Bond. And he's blond. And I've never seen him in anything.
Looks like they're going back to the action-adventure Bond and away from the suave lover in a tuxedo .
Daniel Craig is more in the Sean Connery mold than the Pierce Brosnan. He has a tough persona, but he also played poet Ted Hughes in
so he can do smart and passionate. I was very impressed with him in
Layer Cake.
He's one of those who doesn't look like much in pictures, but his intensity and voice and physicality make him very charismatic onscreen.