I am the sappiest of saps in the history of sapdom:
PETER JACKSON: "The End." Now I think you oughta go to sleep.
PETER JACKSON: All right. Okay, okay, okay. All right. So long.
AUDIENCE: Maybe we could come over and watch it again tomorrow?
PETER JACKSON: As you wish.
Two great tastes, tasting great together.
Also ...
EOWYN: I admit it, you are better than I am.
WITCH KING: Then why are you smiling?
EOWYN: Because I know something you don’t know.
WITCH KING: And what is that?
EOWYN: I am not a man!
Oh, my favorite bit by far is this:
DENETHOR: I am the Dread Steward Denethor. There will be no survivors!
GUARD 1: Now?
GUARD 2: Not yet.
DENETHOR: My men are here. I am here. But soon you will not be here!
GUARD 1: Now?!
GUARD 2: Light him!
Well, that's some nice good news. I'm also VERY glad to hear that Nick was carrying Wallace and Gromit themselves with him at the time.
I think it also says a little something that this is being compared to Cecil B. DeMille losing all his stuff.
I saw an interview with Nick Park yesterday where he said that he really wasn't all that bothered, and couldn't understand why everyone was making such a fuss, because when measured against what had just happened in Pakistan it was really nothing at all. A lovely and sensible chap, it seems.
That parody totally made my day.
Mount Doom, After It Erupts:
[Screen goes black]
PETER JACKSON: Frodo and Sam don’t get burned up by the lava.
PETER JACKSON: Frodo and Sam don’t get burned up by the lava. I’m explaining to you because you looked nervous.
[Movie continues]
They've announced the new James Bond. And he's blond. And I've never seen him in anything.
Looks like they're going back to the action-adventure Bond and away from the suave lover in a tuxedo .