Trebeck was actually on Celebrity Poker last night. He's kind of goofy when he's not doing his host thing (or maybe it's after drinking steadily for two hours, as he was pretty much as you'd expect for the first half of the show.) Of course, there were numerous mustache and Jeopardy jokes from the hosts and the other players.
I always figured he was a secret goofball after JOSE CHUNG.
Nuts and Sluts?
There was a Sociology course at my university called Deviant Behaviour. Everyone, including the prof, called it Nuts and Sluts.
I always figured he was a secret goofball after JOSE CHUNG.
Heh. I totally forgot about that. I think the suckitude of the last few seasons has started leeching the bright spots of the earlier seasons from my brain.
Some sort of pop survey class?
Although, when I was in college, I would have strained something looking down my nose at that.
Hallucinogens and You?
P-C gets closest! (Although I kind of want to keep the challenge going, as it's cracking my shit up). It was a class on shamanism, for which I got both Anthro and Religious Studies credit.
The professor, a tiny woman was also my Japanese instructor, believed that Jim Morrison was the closest thing to a shaman modern white culture had to offer.
Some sort of pop survey class?
I actually attended the movies for the pop culture survey class. They ranged from
Blade Runner
(this pre-dated the Director's Cut, which is the One True Blade Runner) to
Night Shift.
Dunno what the prof's point was, but I got to watch a lot of free movies.
The professor, a tiny woman was also my Japanese instructor, believed that Jim Morrison was the closest thing to a shaman modern white culture had to offer.
My first reaction is, "Argh." But then I can't think of a better example off the top of my head.
Iggy Pop? Nah.
Aren't shamans supposed to like, you know, help people, and not just engage in hedonism?