She cashed the check...that's the time to lie back and think of Alderaan, imo.
Well, she signed the contract before she cashed the check; probably for all three back with Phantom Menace. Not that it excuses not trying, but she may have had very few options that wouldn't involve self-mutilation if George wasn't inclined to let her out of it.
I thought Smits was hot.
t /shallow
Oh, wait, that tag doesn't close.
Hot, yes. Interesting performance, no.
Also, back during the first movies Lucas was still listening to the actors, so if Ford or Carrie Fisher said "This line rings false. How about if I say...?" He would let them.
Ford fampously improv-ed the riposte "I know" to Leia's declaration of love.
A bit more of that irreverence would've helped in the Anakin/Padme romance.
"You're beautiful because I love you. No wait, actually I love you because you're hot. I got that part backwards."
So wishing I could've seen a more usual SLJ..."When you wanna lightsaber every motherfucker in the really shouldn't. This force thing is all spiritual and shit."
if Ford or Carrie Fisher said "This line rings false. How about if I say...?" He would let them.
Ford did improvise the classic reply to Leia's "I love you." Originally, it was the standard "I love you, too," but Harrison knew that wasn't a Han line, so Lucas and Kirshner let him substitute "I know."
ETA--should have known that would be a x-post!
So wishing I could've seen a more usual SLJ..."When you wanna lightsaber every motherfucker in the really shouldn't. This force thing is all spiritual and shit."
Hand me my light saber.
Which one is it?
The one that says "bad motherfucker".
Ford fampously improv-ed the riposte "I know" to Leia's declaration of love.
t nitpick
It's not improvising if they talked about it beforehand (which, by all accounts, they did).
t /nitpick
As painful as the Anakin/Padme romance scenes are, the Most Needed To Be Rewritten Line Of Them All Award has to go to
"My wife and I have always talked about adopting a baby girl."
because it turns that scene into a REALLY CREEPY MOMENT. Was
"My wife and I have always wanted a daughter"
taken? What was he thinking?? (The timing doesn't help either. If the line were less jumped on, the
"Ooh, ooh! I call dibs on the girl!"
vibe would have been far diminished.)
I'd rather see QTs Star Wars than Kevin Smith's.