The New Yorker review of RoTS was pretty great. I'm not normally a big fan of Anthony Lane.
Some choice lines:
What can you say about a civilization where people zip from one solar system to the next as if they were changing their socks but where a woman fails to register for an ultrasound, and thus to realize that she is carrying twins until she is about to give birth? Mind you, how Padmé got pregnant is anybody’s guess, although I’m prepared to wager that it involved Anakin nipping into a broom closet with a warm glass jar and a copy of Ewok Babes.
And then he rags on Yoda:
Also, while we’re here, what’s with the screwy syntax? Deepest mind in the galaxy, apparently, and you still express yourself like a day-tripper with a dog-eared phrase book. “I hope right you are.” Break me a fucking give.
I was a little disapponted that the "Yoda has a sex scene" rumor turned out to be false. 'Course, I didn't really have to see the movie to know that. But it's still the most amusing rumor I've heard in a long time.
It's the
"Jabba eats Jar Jar"
rumour that cracks me up.
Whitefonted for my own amusement, since it's false. But maybe you don't want to know it
Believe me, I was hoping for that scene through the whole movie. I would have settled for "Large rock falls on Padme", though.
Man. Only George Lucas could get bad performances out of Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, AND Samuel L. Jackson.
I thought Ewan did a good job. Samuel L. Jackson just sounded bored, though. I guess because his character has no...character.
Still haven't seen EpIII yet, but I do find myself asking:
What do you mean there's a Michael Bay Movie I kind of what to see???
It's the end of the world or something.
I thought Ewan was gunning for third place at your local bar's Alec Guinness Lookalike Contest.
I was at the theater yesterday, quite decidedly not seeing III. I did, however, see the Guide again. This time round, I noticed that when Zaphod first meets Ford on the Heart of Gold, he calls him Ix. Hee, footnote readers of the world, unite!
I loved little details like that that make the whole thing work for people like me.
Also, was that Agrajag's statue of Arthur, in his multiple-me-murderer form in the background in Humma's temple thing? Cause it panned by pretty fast, but that's what I thought it was.
I thought Ewan was gunning for third place at your local bar's Alec Guinness Lookalike Contest.
I'm just wondering who taped a yorkie to Ewan's face for EpIII.