If I was a flesh and blood Gothamite I would probably assume that Batman is someone I don't know, rather than Bruce Wayne. ETA: I would assume this guy was some kind of superfreak.
Also, while I agree training with ninjas is a bit cliched, I'm having trouble thinking of a good analogue for it, when we're talking about a martial arts lifestyle.
Ninja is a wide-ranging art of stealth, deception and fear.
You pretty much
to be a ninja to be Batman, don't you. He's not like Superman, all bright colors and flashy life-saving.
Well, I kind of like the idea of Batman just being a great big freak, and inventing some of his stealth techniques all by himself. I didn't need anybody to teach me how to hide things in my bra.
If I was a flesh and blood Gothamite I would probably assume that Batman is someone I don't know, rather that Bruce Wayne.
This is possible. But, with all the l33t gear he has, he would need money. And, I bet he is not usually concentrating on crimes in Bedford-Stuyvesant. And, in the few comics I've read, there was always the problem of Bruce Wayne being at some tuxedoed soiree and having to disappear, leading to the part where Bruce Wayne has to come across like a coward.
Overall, I think it would be physically possible to lead a double life and for nobody to find out. But most of the time, that's not how it works out, even when you are filthy rich. So, I will want to see some serious effort go into the not-finding-out part.
I kind of like the idea of Batman just being a great big freak, and inventing some of his stealth techniques all by himself
Batman? Invent? That seems so out of char... wait, no it's completely not.
But if you show me a guy who spends ten years devising what took decades (if not centuries) for a group of people to hone, then you've completely lost me.
If you show a guy get obsessive and gain expertise and take all that and make his own way, then you've got me.
I didn't need anybody to teach me how to hide things in my bra.
Batman doesn't wear a bra.
....wait for it....
That's why he has Robin.
Batman doesn't wear a bra.
I think the costumes of the previous movies had a similar lift-and-enhance effect. And I don't mean just on the chest.
Everything I'm seeing for this film makes me think they based it on a great line by Neal Stephenson: "Until a man is twenty-five he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world."
Yeah, I've got until September.
Yeah, I've got until September.
If you hurry to someplace in the Orient and work hard, you have enough time to cram in some serious supernatural-ninja type skills, then you could go kick Neal Stephenson's ass and laugh in a mocking fashion.