I saw Sin City with my friend EJ tonight. She didn't exactly like the movie but she didn't hate it either. If it weren't in black and white she probably would have walked out.
Although I think she was more freaked out by the trailers for Amityville Horror and some Louisana voodoo thriller movie -- Skeleton Key-- I think. There were also trailers for the next Star Wars movie (which I didn't watch just because it makes me pissed off at George) and Hitchhiker's Guide, which made me sad after reading the review linked to earlier.
I'm mixed about Sin City. On the one hand I liked the black and white with the flashes of color, especially where there were just hints of color peaking out. But I think it ran long, at times -- even when there was action -- I kept wondering how long we'd been in the theater.
I enjoyed Alexis Biedel's performance more than I thought I would after hearing the comments here
while I did think she was very Rory in her second scene, I didn't see Rory in the most of her performance.
The parts I liked the best were with Merv. The dialouge worked with him and while I liked Clive Owen by the time that came around I was getting impatient and wanted most of it to be over. Although I really liked
Jackie Boy's corpse talking to Dwight. The way the voice changed was neat. But I was kind of getting weary by the end. I don't think I would have missed anything if Bruce Willis's pieces had been cut out.
Over all the violence didn't freak me out too bad. But by the end I was at an odd state where it was kind of freaking me out but I was also kind of bored with it.
FWIW, Ali, the backstory on Clive Owen's character was much abbreviated compared to the comic. And the part you really liked was the section directed by QT.
Not this time, Elais. Those are exactly my opinions. Well, except for the word "too" in front of "pretty." Those words in that order have no meaning to me.
I meant 'too pretty' in the sense that his looks jarred in the movie. There weren't exactly a lot of good-looking male characters in Sin City. Clive's character seem to strike a pose whenever possible.
askye, considering the amount and level of violence in the movie, I was surprised I wasn't more freaked out about it myself. I think was almost too much at the beginning, but dropped quite a bit at the end.
DavidS. I did not realize that QT directed that part, but it was pretty neat.
I figured there was something cut from Clive's story since
with the reference to that being his new face, which threw me off because I kept trying to figure out what he looked like before. For a minute I was trying to figure out if he was supposed to be Bruce Willis's character even though I knew they were the wrong age.
Also, I'm normally not a huge fan of QT so I'm surprised that's the part I liked so well.
Elias, I was amazingly unphased by Kevin's fate. However when
Miho killing Jackie Boy's friends made me cringe and turn away.
One question --
what was up with the beginning. Who was Josh Hartnet killing? And did she arrange for that to happen?
I didn't mind that Clive was handsome, since basically every single woman was a knockout. No prosthetics for the chicks, no siree. One slightly beat-up but handsome guy didn't seem out of place--noir often had one brooding dark guy for balance with all the heavies.
askye, that was a short story from the comics. I think
she had hired him to kill her because she couldn't do it herself. She was running away from something.
The name of the story is
"The Customer Is Always Right."
FWIW, Ali, the backstory on Clive Owen's character was much abbreviated compared to the comic. And the part you really liked was the section directed by QT.
I was so confused for a moment, since I intend to see this movie, but I haven't picked out the parts I really liked yet.
Chiming in to say I also enjoyed Sin City. I don't like gore but this gore was so stylized, I had no problem with it. My squickiest moment was
when little girl Nancy talked about still being a virgin.
Ew. Also? Alba is still hot (even though I prefer her with dark hair).
I'd call
The Last Starfighter
an iconic 80s movie.