To be fair, I think season 4 did a halfway decent patch job by making her the Manchurian Candidate and retconning all her sparkly nobility as manifestations of Jasmine's influence. What didn't work as a "redemptive" character arc was passable as omens that someone was being taken over by a Lovecraftean horror whose M.O. is killing with kindness. But Fury gave us a great swan song with the real Cordelia back one last time.
I still don't get the Cordy Stans, but a lot of the Young Kids These Days coming into the show seem to thing CC got screwed over by Evil JWeeWee.
I bite my tongue. A lot.
What is the etymology of "stan"? I recognize the word contextually, and I feel like I maybe knew it once, but I am drawing a blank.
Eminem song about a crazy fan.
Actually, I don't think I ever knew that. My Eminem knowledge is small. (I was going to say "slim," but I have enough Eminem knowledge to recognize the pun therein.)
It's the one with the Dido track on it.
It's one of the ones I like (I'm not not a fan). He's not wearing his dick hat during it (did anyone click on that link in Natter?), but he isn't shirking the R rating, since Stan goes postal and kills his pregnant girlfriend before taking his own life, theoretically because he doesn't get the response from the object of his fannishness that he feels he deserves.
I still don't get the Cordy Stans, but a lot of the Young Kids These Days coming into the show seem to thing CC got screwed over by Evil JWeeWee.
So the rumors that Joss was pissed at Charisma for not telling him she was pregnant and made her evil and killed her or whatever the story is are...a distortion of the truth?
I thought there were issues with CC using drugs and also doing things like cutting her hair and getting tattoos without telling anyone that caused continuity issues and showing up late/not knowing lines, stuff like that.
"She makes Denise Richards look like Dame Denise."--random member of the Angel crew.
She was not basking in the love and respect of her co-workers, let's just say.
Yeah, I think I remember reading something a while ago about how she had to go to rehab, which is why season four was largely improvised. The Vengeful Joss Story was new to me.