I can't wait for the first "what the fuck" from him that comes from a place of mild disapproval.
because it will come.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I can't wait for the first "what the fuck" from him that comes from a place of mild disapproval.
because it will come.
Man, I stumbled into some "Joss was such a sexist prick to Charisma, he deliberately fucked up her character" conversations a couple years ago, and I didn't even know if it was worth getting into.
Okay, the answer is obviously no, but I'm not really sensible about these things. Especially when the poster has a Cordy icon. It's clearly not going to be a polite discussion.
Still, I'd never encountered pro-Charisma anti-Joss fandom before, so it was all new and weird.
Yeah, this was my first time hearing about it.
Ugh, no Cordy/Angel. HATED that. But Lilah/Wes was always my favorite, anyway.
Hey, didn't Fred send her old professor through a portal to Pylea in revenge? As in, ethically-dubious, forget being the better person I'm going to get my revenge? Because if I'm remembering that correctly, then THAT was my favorite thing about Fred.
Blood!fist Fred is unsurprisingly my favourite vintage of Burkle.
Hey, didn't Fred send her old professor through a portal to Pylea in revenge? As in, ethically-dubious, forget being the better person I'm going to get my revenge?
I thought maybe Gunn killed the professor, or the professor somehow died before he could be sent through the portal as revenge. But that was Fred's intention, yes.
Gunn breaks his neck before that could happen, which is why they broke up.
Corpse went through in the end, though.
Oh that's right. Wasn't it because he didn't want Fred to have killed someone? Pfft, whatever.
Cordy/Connor didn't bother me because the show acknowledged the wrongness and was all OH YEAH I'M MAKING YOU WATCH THIS, MWAHAHAHAHA.
Cordy/Angel, I got the impression we were supposed to think that was a good idea, and, no. Sorry, no.
(And okay, I loved every second of Connor onscreen. I've forgiven Pete Campbell for so many things because of Connor, you don't even know.)
Cordy/Connor derailed the impending Cody/Angel express, so I was more than happy to climb aboard.