Oh God I didn't see that ahahahaha.
Oh wait, that's Kickpuncher. He's seen the show and being hilarious.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Oh God I didn't see that ahahahaha.
Oh wait, that's Kickpuncher. He's seen the show and being hilarious.
Oh wait, that's Kickpuncher. He's seen the show and being hilarious.
Ah. OK. That's less unintentionally hilarious. But still funny.
He's been really good at making intentionally ironic statements that newbies would not be able to recognize as such.
He also had some hilarious fake predictions for Angel S2.
Angel and co. will spend like four episodes just hanging out with some random guy who owns a karaoke bar.
SOUNDS ridiculous, but...
But my favorite was this combo:
-Angel will dance if he wants to.
-He'll leave his friends behind.
Because the second part is ACTUALLY TRUE.
The end of "Out of My Mind" just broke Mark's brain.
Omigod. Some IDIOT commenter totally alluded to Joyce's fate. MFer! I really hope he spoiled as few people as possible before it was deleted. Grrrrrr!
I saw that and didn't immediately jump on it because I didn't remember whether the episode said anything at all about a possible death, but then it got reported by, like, everyone.
He spoiled at least one person, and dammit, not cool. The next episode does start alluding to a possibly longer storyline--Joyce has more headaches, Buffy runs into Ben again--but still. That's just spiteful. Hmph.
(Is it wrong that I'm gleefully looking forward to the newbie heads exploding at the end of "I Only Have Eyes For You"?)
I can't start laughing over Mark's reaction to Spike's dream about Buffy at the end of "Out of My Mind". I don't think he is going to like S6 much.
That's just spiteful.
Not spiteful, just oblivious. He has a tendency to post trivia like that without thinking about how much a newbie might actually know at that point.
(Is it wrong that I'm gleefully looking forward to the newbie heads exploding at the end of "I Only Have Eyes For You"?)
From season two?
Sometimes I don't know if I want to hug Mark or hit him with a tranquilizer dart...it's most unsettling.