I ran across someone who was reading Twilight, doing a kind of read and snark/discetion of the book. But I forgot to bookmark it and now I don't know how to find it.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Was it Mark? Heh.
I ran across someone who was reading Twilight, doing a kind of read and snark/discetion of the book. But I forgot to bookmark it and now I don't know how to find it.
Someone besides Mark, you mean?
Maybe Cleolinda?
cleolinda's summary of the final book is EPIC. Just epic.
Ha. No, I found Cleolinda's stuff but it wasn't that.
It was more like Slacktivist's Left Behind series only with Twilight.
was it Dana? [link]
It was on livejournal and that's pretty m uch all I can remember.
I ran across it when I was randomly reading through someone's friends list and of course I meant to bookmark it and never did.
It was broken down by chapters, I think she was doing 5 or so chapters at a time.
And because I never really paid attention to Mark Watches/Reads until he was watching Buffy I didn't actually realize he'd read Twilight. So yeah, I can see why real vampires are confusing if Twilight is the only real reference he has.
I HIGHLY recommend Cleolinda's recaps of the Twilight books. They're just brilliant.
I find Meyer and the whole Twilight phenom just baffling and fascinating. I mean, I guess that explains why her vampires are so devoid of appeal. They fail to awaken the uncanny.
And OK I really don't know enough about Mormonism to make the comparison, but from the little I do know, her vampires in the utterly ordinary ways, their mundane human concerns, do kind of fit with the Mormon vision of the afterlife what with the concerns about preserving marital ties into the hearafter.