Valid point. I almost want to read out of curiosity but won't.
I read the first 100 pages of the first one before I gave up. I did find them hysterically funny, although I don't think that was the intent.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Valid point. I almost want to read out of curiosity but won't.
I read the first 100 pages of the first one before I gave up. I did find them hysterically funny, although I don't think that was the intent.
I ran across someone who was reading Twilight, doing a kind of read and snark/discetion of the book. But I forgot to bookmark it and now I don't know how to find it.
Was it Mark? Heh.
I ran across someone who was reading Twilight, doing a kind of read and snark/discetion of the book. But I forgot to bookmark it and now I don't know how to find it.
Someone besides Mark, you mean?
Maybe Cleolinda?
cleolinda's summary of the final book is EPIC. Just epic.
Ha. No, I found Cleolinda's stuff but it wasn't that.
It was more like Slacktivist's Left Behind series only with Twilight.
was it Dana? [link]
It was on livejournal and that's pretty m uch all I can remember.
I ran across it when I was randomly reading through someone's friends list and of course I meant to bookmark it and never did.
It was broken down by chapters, I think she was doing 5 or so chapters at a time.
And because I never really paid attention to Mark Watches/Reads until he was watching Buffy I didn't actually realize he'd read Twilight. So yeah, I can see why real vampires are confusing if Twilight is the only real reference he has.
I HIGHLY recommend Cleolinda's recaps of the Twilight books. They're just brilliant.