I hated it with the burning hatred of a thousand suns. I did not like the sacrificing of story to fanwankery and wink wink nudge nudge. Are there not approximately a zillion actresses that could have played Halfrek or Cecily?
(you can probably find this more deeply bitched about by me during the actual season airing)
The same actor who played the crazy-pills vamp in "Helpless" played magic-isn't-a-drug-no-really pusher Rack in S6.
And while I know trying to reconcile those 2 characters would have been harder than reconciling Cecily and Halfrek, it probably could have been done -- but it wasn't. Because it didn't have to. Much like Cecily and Halfrek.
Which is to say, I agree with Nora.
t edit
Actually, didn't the actor who played Andrew also play one of Harmony's minions in S4?
Harmony? Has minions?!?!??!?
I always assumed that Cecily had become a vengeance demon at some point after she knew William, which I thought was a nice thought because she must have been spurned the way she spurned Spike. I just use the word spurned in a sentence, twice.
Was Halfrek meant to be older than that and thus my theory doesn't work?
Was Halfrek meant to be older than that and thus my theory doesn't work?
I don't remember, but we know she was one by the time of the Russian Revolution from the Anya episode of season 7. I'm trying to remember if we were supposed to get a feeling that she was learning the ropes from Anya or if she'd been around for a while.
Fair 'nuff, Nora. I can see your point!
I always assumed that Cecily had become a vengeance demon at some point after she knew William, which I thought was a nice thought because she must have been spurned the way she spurned Spike.
I thought that too. But maybe I was reading in things that weren't there.
She was already a vengeance demon at the time of the Crimean War, apparently, which means she was a demon by the time of Cecily.
I never cared that much. It didn't make any difference to the story if Cecily was Halfrek or not; Spike's origin would play out the same way.
I did think it was amusing that the torrid spurned love that set off the Terrible Saga of William the Bloody might have been, from her POV, just a minor nuisance in the work of Vengeance.