When she was human and dying, he went to extraordinary lengths to save her. He was going to put everything aside to take care of when it turned out she couldn't be cured. I don't think it was just a redemption thing, either. The soul let him express a kinder version of the passion Angelus had for her, and was going to do his damnedest to make things right for the woman who had meant so much to him for so long.
Buffy was a young man's dream, for all that Angel had had the soul for a century by then.
That pretty much sums up how I feel, connie. Angel's love for Buffy was very much an "adolescent" love, as was hers for him. They were on an emotional level when they first met. By the time Darla came back into his life, he'd started to realize that there was more to unlife than "twu wuv."
Darla gave birth to his
Really, how can any woman compete?
Well, Darla was definitely closer to the earth. Especially after Drusilla put her in it.
Talk about the one who got away. No one recovers from that.
Changed my mind. It's Darla.
I think we need to rename the thread. "DarlaNAngle4EVA!!11!!
I love Darla. Seriously. I think she's awesome. But I also think that he went to such great lengths to save her because he saw himself in her. They did share a lot. I don't think it was anything special and particular about Darla herself that made him want to go out of his way to help her, I think it was just history, and what could have been, if things had gone a little differently for Angel. I still say that the most important person to Angel is Buffy.
Oh, please. The most important person to Angel was obviously Cordy. TheirLoveWasSoPure!