sfmarty! I was catching up on Alias episodes yesterday and every time Katya Derevko was on the screen I was reminded of you. I can't say it is her looks, or her voice, but something about her manner. I kept saying to Brendon how she made me think of you. Are you a bad ass spy and not tellin'?
River ,'Objects In Space'
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I finally put my nose to the grindstone and rented some of the Angel DVDs last week now that they're available. So here, a mere 15 months late, is the 5-minute recap for "Soul Purpose":
LINDSEY: What's a champion like you doing in a seedy strip club like this?
SPIKE: Sorry mate, you're not my type.
RECAPPER: Show him a surveillance cam photo of Angel choking you and see how long that lasts.
SPIKE: You brought me back from the dead?
LINDSEY: Yep. With no ulterior motives whatsoever. Say, wanna buy a bridge?
SPIKE: Who are you?
LINDSEY: Name's Doyle. I'm on a mission from God.
WESLEY: I say we attack now.
GUNN: I say we let his flunkies do it for us.
WESLEY & GUNN: Angel! Tell him we should do it my way!
ANGEL: Yep, probably just as well that I missed out on that whole raising kids thing.
VICTIM #243: Help! Eeeek!
VAMPIRE: Piss off, pal.
SPIKE: Pardon? I didn't hear that over the sound of you dusting.
AUDIENCE: This seems strangely familiar...
VICTIM #243: Oh, thank you! He was going to kill me!
SPIKE: Pinheaded bint, why not play blind man's bluff in traffic while you're at it?
FRED: We could totally nuke the site from orbit. If, y'know, we were evil.
ANGEL: Calgon, take me away!
WESLEY: Who better to set off your insecurities about betrayal and irrelevance than I?
LORNE: Oh, I can think of a name or two.
GUNN: Word.
SPIKE: This double dusting move is wicked.
AUDIENCE: Wow, it's deja vu all over again.
EVE: I'd stop to smarm at you longer, but I need to speak to Angel.
WESLEY: Long coffee break. Perhaps I can help you?
EVE: Maybe you can figure out this little diver—er, I mean mysterious tablet.
FRED: Angel? You look like death warmed over. Let's play "operation."
ANGEL: What are you doing?
FRED: Just seeing what makes you tick. Look—Gunn was right about your heart being a dried up little walnut. Oooh, a pearl necklace.
AUDIENCE: This is just disturbing on so many levels.
FRED: Raisins! Yummy.
RECAPPER: Between the porn symbolism and what his heart looked like, you might want to take a pass on eating those.
FRED: Huh. Your soul is like a neglected household pet, floating dead in the water. Thank you, Bear.
SMOKEY: Just glad to be of service, since most of the flaming on this show can't be put out with dirt and a shovel.
LINDSEY: Welcome to the Pratcave.
SPIKE: I'm not entirely comfy with being set up like someone's mistress.
LINDSEY: You're just being paranoid. Now take this money and buy yourself something pretty to wear.
SPIKE: Oooooh...
ANGEL: When did my bed get switched with Hef's?
BUFFY'S STUNT WIG: Every time I say the word "prom," you get grouchy.
ANGEL: You're taking Buffy to the prom? We are so breaking up!
AUDIENCE: If this is Angel's dream, why does it give him a better view of Spike in bed with him than of Buffy?
SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR: Because Bill Gates doesn't have enough money to get me back for this scene, nevermind Joss.
ANGEL: I'm all unkempt and sloppy. Either this is a nightmare, or Hell finally put in that ice rink I requested.
LORNE: Quiet down, you're making us miss the Apocalypse.
EVERYBODY: Hooray for Spike!
SPIKE: Aw shucks, tweren't nothing.
FRED: You saved the world and turned it into a beautiful happily-ever-after candy mountain place where all our dreams come true. Look, the Blue Fairy is here to turn you into a real boy!
LORNE: Stop stealing my limelight, Smurfette!
EVERYBODY: Let's hear it for Spike!
ANGEL: Mr. Lumbergh told me to talk to payroll and payroll told me to talk to Mr. Lumbergh and I still have not received my paycheck and they moved my desk to storage room B and there was garbage on it.
LAWYERS: We have one more gift for you. A trademark infringement lawsuit from the Walt Disney Company.
( continues...) RECAPPER: And I believe the Mouse trumps the Wolf, Ram, and Hart in the evil lawyer department.
ANGEL: Lorne? What are you doing in my bedroom?
LORNE: Did you miss the part earlier where people's dreams were coming true?
ANGEL: I'm lost. I don't know what to do.
LORNE: Why not give me an earful of those pretty pipes of yours, let me suss it out?
ANGEL: ...
AUDIENCE: Thank you, God!
LINDSEY: I just had another vision.
SPIKE: Don't think I'm gonna jump every time you have one of these vision things.
LINDSEY: Oh, I think you're gonna want to jump on this one.
RECAPPER: If it were a real vision of Angel all sweaty in bed and in need of assistance, I don't think you'd be sending someone else in to do the jumping.
ANGEL: But my dreams seemed so real. You were there. And you, and you. And Eve was really there.
EVE: What makes you say that?
ANGEL: Your earrings. My fashion sense never leads me astray.
AUDIENCE: Forgot about those times you could see your hair in the mirror, eh?
EVE: I'll leave you with this thought. Isn't it more likely that, while surrounded by hundreds of evil lawyers that wish you harm, it was one of your own inner circle that betrayed you?
ANGEL: Well, it is a Joss Whedon show...
Ahh!!! Recaps!! How we've missed thee.
note to self: rewatch Spike yelling at the girl in the stupid shoes.
golf claps
Bravo, Matt!
FRED: Huh. Your soul is like a neglected household pet, floating dead in the water. Thank you, Bear.
Laura, I am ashamed to say I only watched one ep of Alias.
Spy? Me? I'll never tell. (smirk)
Recappy goodness!!!! Yay!
I sat down and watched Once More With Feeling this morning on F/X. You know that feeling you get when it's been a really long time since you've seen or talked about Buffy? And then you see a really good episode and it reaches right into your gut and you remember what's so great about it?
Yeah, it's kind of like that. *sniff*
Scott had to work late (from home) last night, and I was going to put on my season 6 DVD and watch OMWF, but I was on the couch when the idea hit, and the DVD player and DVDs were so very far away. Now I wish I had.
What's cut from the FX version? I remember hating the cuts on the UPN re-run version of OMWF. It must have killed Joss to make them.
They cut the best part of Rest in Peace (Spike on his knees *swoon*). There were other bits.
But they left the MUSTARD IN!!!
I just forget sometimes how great the songs are. Under My Spell made me tear up.