Recappy goodness!!!! Yay!
I sat down and watched Once More With Feeling this morning on F/X. You know that feeling you get when it's been a really long time since you've seen or talked about Buffy? And then you see a really good episode and it reaches right into your gut and you remember what's so great about it?
Yeah, it's kind of like that. *sniff*
Scott had to work late (from home) last night, and I was going to put on my season 6 DVD and watch OMWF, but I was on the couch when the idea hit, and the DVD player and DVDs were so very far away. Now I wish I had.
What's cut from the FX version? I remember hating the cuts on the UPN re-run version of OMWF. It must have killed Joss to make them.
They cut the best part of Rest in Peace (Spike on his knees *swoon*). There were other bits.
But they left the MUSTARD IN!!!
I just forget sometimes how great the songs are. Under My Spell made me tear up.
Didn't they also cut Dawn's dance with the masked kidnappers in the Magic Box?
Don't they also cut the "getting ready in the morning" parts from the intro (before Buffy flashes back to the previous night)
Unfortunately, they left IN the Xander asspull, but I guess they couldn't have cut that out without reshoots.
I was happy to see the last ten minutes of OMWF this morning.
I'm glad I waited so long to watch it again. It really is like watching it for the first time. That same excitement. Makes me all fangurlie again.