but by the time I was sprawled on a hotel bed, all whisky'd up with Shrift on my lap
One of the great images in Western Culture. Plus bunny ears.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
but by the time I was sprawled on a hotel bed, all whisky'd up with Shrift on my lap
One of the great images in Western Culture. Plus bunny ears.
One of the great images in Western Culture. Plus bunny ears.
I think that remains the bestest picture of me EVAH!!!1!
The Shrift helps.
I think that remains the bestest picture of me EVAH!!!1!
It has indisputible greatness. But Ple's Best Pictures compromises a library full of albums. There's the pixie cut white-out face shot that I love so much. The gray top-hat series. The teen-Ple in bikini. The Boobies O' Doom. Vampire Willow Ple at Chicago F2F. That self-portraiture series with the drapey off the shoulder thingies, almost like Sargent's paintings.
The Shrift helps.
Oh yeah. We should all be so lucky as to have a Shrift in our laps at some point in our lives.
I quite liked Pylea, especially for the revelation of Wes' skills as a leader, after Angel has obviously been taking over again upon his return to the fold. Also, Angel's happiness whiplash upon seeing exactly what it is that's lurking inside him.
I also quite liked The Girl In Question, but I know I'm a minority on that. Then again, in the later seasons, I was also tending more towards slapping Buffy silly and telling her to stop being so darned self-centered.
I think that the silliness in Angel is partially due to DB. DB didn't really get to show off his silly side when he was on Buffy.
I enjoyed the Pylea stuff at the time, wish they had done more with Wolf, Ram and Hart but don't find myself very inclined to rewatch the Pylea stuff.
Pylea had a lot of funny moments. It just didn't gel -- it's been ages since I've seen those, but I feel like each writer had a slightly different idea of what it was about, so it never came into focus as being about anything. But I never wanted an explanation for the Wolf Ram & Hart stuff. Whenever ME tried to explain things, I hurt inside.
I wouldn't have minded TGIQ if it had taken place back around the episode on the sub, which I thought was even worse.
Yeah. I need to dig up my plan to rearrange season 5 and try watching the episodes in that order. I know I had TGIQ much earlier.
(Just don't ask me to explain why Pylea worked fine for me but TGIQ made me want to punch my tv.)Oh well see, as much as I think Pylea did a terrible disservice to the first 19 (or whatever) fabulous episodes of season 2 A:ts, it didn't make me want to do violence the way TGIQ did.
I think I might have offended Ultimate Drew's (lovely) webmistress with my screed (at the Beta Bronze) directed to U.Drew and DeKnight. Like the Pylea arc, there were bits of the TGIQ I enjoyed, but those bits didn't earn the bits I hated so much I can tell I need to stop talking about it now because I feel my ire rising and why did they do that and oh bad writers no biscuit you're making me go all stream of consciousness and this isn't the time or place and look at that cup of iced tea I should take a sip and scroll up again and try to find something amusing that gets my blood pressure to back off a little bit because I'm getting angry all over again and it's just so urgh.
Whenever ME tried to explain things, I hurt inside.Hee!
Oh well see, as much as I think Pylea did a terrible disservice to the first 19 (or whatever) fabulous episodes of season 2 A:ts, it didn't make me want to do violence the way TGIQ did.
Cindy rants so I don't have to.
I still remember popping back in to the UPN Bronze to gripe about what a betrayal of Joss' early pro-nerd stance Andrew was, with a side of I'm-glad-this-walking- minstrel-show-has-been-reclaimed-for-heterosexuality-by-the-Bond-Girls. If I recall correctly, some newbie who was outraged that anyone would dare be less than complimentary to her snookie ookums Ultimate Drew called me on how not liking Andrew showed how obviously insecure I was in my own sexuality.
Bwah hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah!
there were bits of the TGIQ I enjoyed, but those bits didn't earn the bits I hated so much I can tell I need to stop talking about it now because I feel my ire rising and why did they do that and oh bad writers no biscuit you're making me go all stream of consciousness and this isn't the time or place and look at that cup of iced tea I should take a sip and scroll up again and try to find something amusing that gets my blood pressure to back off a little bit because I'm getting angry all over again and it's just so urgh.
I t heart Cindy. I hate TGIQ so very very very much.