No, I meant Cordy. She was the party that Angel & Co. were questing after and focused on in the Pylea arc. Though unlike Buffy in TGIQ, she actually appeared in the episodes, hence the hypothetical cause for lack of bugging.
Oh, I misunderstood what you were referencing too. I took it as residual bitterness about St. Cordy & her ascension, etc. The fact that it was actually CC during that period almost makes it worse.
Am I the only one who hated Groo?
didn't hate Groo, but definitely didn't like him either. Mark Lutz on the other hand... hum. in. a!!!
I see his attractiveness, but I don't feel it. Oh well.
You might as well be talking about the puppet episode, AFAIC.
Groo looked like a giant Muppet.
Standing in tiggy's corner.
I enjoyed the Pylea episodes, but being late to the party I already knew they were coming going in, so I didn't get whiplashed like others did.
I liked Pylea.
But, err...
I mean, I knew Plei was likely to like such-and-such to do with Wes, or Faith torturing someone
So, to be totally predictable, I really liked the interaction between Wes and Gunn in Pylea, and how it set up the complete and total breakdown of their deep and passionate love bonds of friendship and trust. (Where, I have come to realize, I kind of side with Gunn, actually. Weird, eh?)
I have come to realize, I kind of side with Gunn, actually. Weird, eh?
Heh. I seem to remember siding with Wesley, but I'd have to rewatch to be sure.
It might be a while.
Mark Lutz, YES. I feel it, and I think I may even have felt it when he was at the Angel party for which I ran security.
Heh. I seem to remember siding with Wesley, but I'd have to rewatch to be sure.
You know, I think I did at the time, but by the time I was sprawled on a hotel bed, all whisky'd up with Shrift on my lap and talking about it, my wee pointy brain was already finding the Gunn sympathy.
Not that I think in this particular case that Wes was at all wrong, I just see how, if you were in Gunn's position, it'd make you pull back some.