I have come to realize, I kind of side with Gunn, actually. Weird, eh?
Heh. I seem to remember siding with Wesley, but I'd have to rewatch to be sure.
It might be a while.
Mark Lutz, YES. I feel it, and I think I may even have felt it when he was at the Angel party for which I ran security.
Heh. I seem to remember siding with Wesley, but I'd have to rewatch to be sure.
You know, I think I did at the time, but by the time I was sprawled on a hotel bed, all whisky'd up with Shrift on my lap and talking about it, my wee pointy brain was already finding the Gunn sympathy.
Not that I think in this particular case that Wes was at all wrong, I just see how, if you were in Gunn's position, it'd make you pull back some.
I love Pylea. I agree it should have been the beginning of a season except OMG do I love the "There's no place like... Willow?" ending. Which requires having been in some Oz-ish place.
I was about to say what Plei did, only more focused on how it showed how babystealingWes might be possible, and not as well, so I'm glad I was late to the conversation.
I was about to say what Plei did, only more focused on how it showed how babystealingWes might be possible, and not as well, so I'm glad I was late to the conversation.
Man, I totally need to rewatch Loyalty. It's on the writing laptop...
I mean, sure, I've probably seen it a dozen times, but still! It's been at least a year or two...
but by the time I was sprawled on a hotel bed, all whisky'd up with Shrift on my lap
One of the great images in Western Culture. Plus bunny ears.
One of the great images in Western Culture. Plus bunny ears.
I think that remains the bestest picture of me EVAH!!!1!
The Shrift helps.
I think that remains the bestest picture of me EVAH!!!1!
It has indisputible greatness. But Ple's Best Pictures compromises a library full of albums. There's the pixie cut white-out face shot that I love so much. The gray top-hat series. The teen-Ple in bikini. The Boobies O' Doom. Vampire Willow Ple at Chicago F2F. That self-portraiture series with the drapey off the shoulder thingies, almost like Sargent's paintings.
The Shrift helps.
Oh yeah. We should all be so lucky as to have a Shrift in our laps at some point in our lives.
I quite liked Pylea, especially for the revelation of Wes' skills as a leader, after Angel has obviously been taking over again upon his return to the fold. Also, Angel's happiness whiplash upon seeing exactly what it is that's lurking inside him.
I also quite liked The Girl In Question, but I know I'm a minority on that. Then again, in the later seasons, I was also tending more towards slapping Buffy silly and telling her to stop being so darned self-centered.
I think that the silliness in Angel is partially due to DB. DB didn't really get to show off his silly side when he was on Buffy.
I enjoyed the Pylea stuff at the time, wish they had done more with Wolf, Ram and Hart but don't find myself very inclined to rewatch the Pylea stuff.