the Pylea eps have just been rerunning here, and he thinks they're fabulous
Yeah, I'm thinking he's not destined to be an Angel fan.
If you want camp, do camp. They should have gone for camp from the outset of the series. And the rest of S2 was really pretty good. Adult, and dark, and I mean, dang, Angel trying to throw it all away. And then Pylea, which was a huge WTF for me.
I liked Pylea, but then I'm generally fond of that kind of tonal whiplash, even if the execution was far from perfect. (Just don't ask me to explain why Pylea worked fine for me but TGIQ made me want to punch my tv.)
I didn't much care for the Pylea episodes, but liked the aforementioned bag o' blood and Numfar asides.
TGIQ? Please to help out a slow brother.
(Just don't ask me to explain why Pylea worked fine for me but TGIQ made me want to punch my tv.)
The Pylea eps didn't feature a mop with a Cordy wig on it instead of Charisma Carpenter?
I recall liking "Through the Looking Glass," although the other 3 episodes in the Pylea arc were my least favorite until the baby eps of Season 3 showed me I hadn't known the meaning of the words "decline in quality."
Just don't ask me to explain why Pylea worked fine for me but TGIQ made me want to punch my tv.
For me, though I enjoyed bits of it (mostly the Illyria/Burkles/Wes stuff, but also "Ciao!"), it was (a) way too late in what was then known to be the last season for that kind of whiplash (not enough time) and (b) it brought not!Buffy onto AtS for a few cheap laughs which is wrong in at least two three ways off the top of my head.
Corwood: "The Girl in Question" aka "Angel and Spike's Italian Adeventure"
The Pylea eps didn't feature a mop with a Cordy wig on it instead of Charisma Carpenter?
Cordy wasn't in TGIQ. I think you mean the Buffy mop.
the Illyria/Burkles/Wes stuff
Oh, right -- in my head, those scenes are part of a completely different episode, so I tend to forget them.
until the baby eps of Season 3 showed me I hadn't known the meaning of the words "decline in quality."
Oh lord, Dad. Provider. Let us never speak of them again.
No, no. To be parallel, you'd have to have Cordy completely absent, with her actions retold by...I'd say Harmony, but she was actually on Angel.
Cordy wasn't in TGIQ. I think you mean the Buffy mop.
No, I meant Cordy. She was the party that Angel & Co. were questing after and focused on in the Pylea arc. Though unlike Buffy in TGIQ, she actually appeared in the episodes, hence the hypothetical cause for lack of bugging.