the Illyria/Burkles/Wes stuff
Oh, right -- in my head, those scenes are part of a completely different episode, so I tend to forget them.
until the baby eps of Season 3 showed me I hadn't known the meaning of the words "decline in quality."
Oh lord, Dad. Provider. Let us never speak of them again.
No, no. To be parallel, you'd have to have Cordy completely absent, with her actions retold by...I'd say Harmony, but she was actually on Angel.
Cordy wasn't in TGIQ. I think you mean the Buffy mop.
No, I meant Cordy. She was the party that Angel & Co. were questing after and focused on in the Pylea arc. Though unlike Buffy in TGIQ, she actually appeared in the episodes, hence the hypothetical cause for lack of bugging.
Oh, right -- in my head, those scenes are part of a completely different episode, so I tend to forget them.
They SHOULD have been. Preferably in an episode that also kicks off the whole plot about Angel trying to join the Black Circle. I'm not sure if that still would have been enough time to make that plot point less of an asspull, but I think any more time on setting that up would have helped.
I wouldn't have minded TGIQ if it had taken place back around the episode on the sub, which I thought was even worse. TGIQ made me laugh (cheap though several of them were), but the German sub one just made me go WTF.
No, I meant Cordy. She was the party that Angel & Co. were questing after and focused on in the Pylea arc. Though unlike Buffy in TGIQ, she actually appeared in the episodes, hence the hypothetical cause for lack of bugging.
Oh, I misunderstood what you were referencing too. I took it as residual bitterness about St. Cordy & her ascension, etc. The fact that it was actually CC during that period almost makes it worse.
Am I the only one who hated Groo?
didn't hate Groo, but definitely didn't like him either. Mark Lutz on the other hand... hum. in. a!!!
I see his attractiveness, but I don't feel it. Oh well.
You might as well be talking about the puppet episode, AFAIC.
Groo looked like a giant Muppet.
Standing in tiggy's corner.