We always wondered how people missed this stuff (or hell, how they ever got insurance), and finally, here's a momen that says "yeah, we see it, but we're just ignoring it", and finally, Buffy's Validation. *sigh*
Also the scene in the episode with the Fariy!Tale!Kids!Demon, where Joyce mentions the large number of cases of "Neck Rupture" in Sunnydale.
It's my dh's birthday, as well.
Smile Time puppet for sale, still not quite right.
Is it that the face is too long? It looks more like DB's stunt double.
I was going to say the chin looked too long, Vortex.
It looks more like DB's stunt double.
It does not. That's an insult to Mike.
Maybe they based it on the puppet's stunt double.
I thought an easier direct comparison would help.
I suppose I could have made a web page with both...
And? nope. It's like they aren't even trying.
I wonder if there may be trademark issues.