Maybe they based it on the puppet's stunt double.
'Out Of Gas'
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I thought an easier direct comparison would help.
I suppose I could have made a web page with both...
And? nope. It's like they aren't even trying.
I wonder if there may be trademark issues.
Doubtful... they took measurements off the puppet that Mutant Enemy had in the Angel offices, and I would assume that ME owns the trademark on it rather than Scott Johnson. It may just be that the 50% reduction and the specific materials involved won't allow a closer approximation.
I just watched the last five episodes of Angel for the first time,
I am now sad.
Holy crap Sophia!
But its sad in a good way, a little, right?
Oh, {{{Sophia}}} meep. Just reading your short post made the feeling real for me, again.
I just read through all the posy watch and post episodes.
I don't know why I stopped watching Angel right before it ended. I think I was too wrapped up in the ME verse and wanted to spare myself pain. Also, I was too attached to Spike, and often I was too worried about what he would do and would it make people not like him that I couldn't really watch.
But gosh, watching 4 episodes and then the final all in a row really packed a punch. Although oddly appropriate for Easter, it seems
From tvguide:
Elsewhere, Alyson Hannigan has joined CBS' How I Met Your Mother, an ensemble comedy about a family man reminiscing about his bachelor days.