Doubtful... they took measurements off the puppet that Mutant Enemy had in the Angel offices, and I would assume that ME owns the trademark on it rather than Scott Johnson. It may just be that the 50% reduction and the specific materials involved won't allow a closer approximation.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
I just watched the last five episodes of Angel for the first time,
I am now sad.
Holy crap Sophia!
But its sad in a good way, a little, right?
Oh, {{{Sophia}}} meep. Just reading your short post made the feeling real for me, again.
I just read through all the posy watch and post episodes.
I don't know why I stopped watching Angel right before it ended. I think I was too wrapped up in the ME verse and wanted to spare myself pain. Also, I was too attached to Spike, and often I was too worried about what he would do and would it make people not like him that I couldn't really watch.
But gosh, watching 4 episodes and then the final all in a row really packed a punch. Although oddly appropriate for Easter, it seems
From tvguide:
Elsewhere, Alyson Hannigan has joined CBS' How I Met Your Mother, an ensemble comedy about a family man reminiscing about his bachelor days.
Best wishes to AH, of course, but this:
How I Met Your Mother, an ensemble comedy about a family man reminiscing about his bachelor days.
Makes it sound like the kind of show I would cross the street to avoid. The premise seems very finite to me, and you know it'll turn out to be one of those slobby comedian/gorgeous wife shows in terms of casting.
t crosses the street with Lyra Jane to avoid new AH comedy
I'm sad because it must mean that there will be no great AH arc on Veronica Mars next year and possibly no Veronica Mars.
Why might it mean no Veronica Mars?